Michael Chapnick Quoted in CAI Common Ground Magazine Article on Pokemon Go

Siegfried Rivera
January 5, 2017


Firm partner Michael E. Chapnick has written extensively in this blog and several publications on the nuisance and security issues that have been caused by Pokemon Go, the augmented reality game in which players search the real world for characters that appear on their smartphones.  In the latest issue of the Community Associations Institute’s Common Ground magazine, he is quoted in an article on the topic titled “Pokemon Woe.”  The article reads:

If Pokémon Go players are being noisy or creating other disturbances, associations should check their nuisance provisions.

“If you don’t have good nuisance or antinuisance provisions, then those need to be beefed up,” says Michael E. Chapnick, a lawyer with Siegfried Rivera in West Palm Beach, Fla. “It’s a violation like any other violation. You have to enforce your documents and address any issues.”

Chapnick says associations should be applying their existing rules to a changing world.  “The rules are made to be fluid and made to be flexible,” he adds.

Our firm congratulates Michael for continuing to be one of the most outspoken community association attorneys on this topic.  Click here to read the complete article in the organization’s website (registration required).